

Rehtori is finnish and means a principal. The principal is the head of an educational institution as a one educational unit like a school. The purpose of educational units is to produce learning, and the principal’s task is to enable the learning work conducted at these institutions, that is, teaching that promotes studying and studying that promotes learning. The deeply personal and creative processes that lead to learning need a conducive teaching and study culture to support them. Creating a work community and atmosphere that promotes learning is the principal’s most important task.

However, the diverse and even contradictory demands placed on societal organizations like educational institutions make the task particularly demanding and even complex. Complex tasks, referred to as wicked problems, can never be performed perfectly. The principal’s real goal is the best possible outcome, and when achieved, it may not necessarily look so good, even if it is. The fantasy of the very best leadership can prevent the best possible outcome.

The mission of the website is to examine Finnish educational leadership, particularly the work of comprehensive school principals, from various perspectives and to encourage its readers to think independently and practice self-leadership as a prerequisite for all good leadership.

The website aims to promote good and modestly distinguished educational leadership that genuinely cares about the well-being of the entire school’s learning community and supports the learning and development opportunities of the organization and its members. The website holds the view that the position itself does not confer wisdom, but that human and otherwise successful and sustainable educational leadership requires the acquisition of wisdom.

The website believes in lifelong learning and the power of thought and freedom of expression in creating better leadership, basic schools and the future.

REHTORI.FI is a private perspective on the leadership of Finnish schools and learning communities. positions itself as part of the discussion on leadership in Finnish comprehensive schools, the basic school institution, and the diverse basic school culture. is part of the OPETUSAJATUKSIA – FOCUS ON EDUCATION project, which also includes the education perspective-creating site PERUSKOULU.FI.

The unenlightened believe
they are the best.
The best know

they are not.